Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is Your Domain Name Important To Online Business?

It sure does.


Branding. Branding. Branding.

No matter what business you're in, name recognition needs to fit your primary message. Imagine you have the domain but your website sells facial cream. Your visitor already has in their head "Okay, I thought I was going to buy auto parts, but what's all this facial cream stuff!" What you have done is lost their trust and created a negative vibe for your brand.

On cyberspace you only have a few moments to entice, capture and sell you visitor. A domain name is internet real estate and choosing one is not to be taken lightly.

A good domain name accomplishes several things:
  • Set's the tone with you visitor before they buy (remember before the buy is the sell)
  • Establishes trust amongst your competitors
  • Keyword rich for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Also, picking a great domain name can continue the story before a visitor goes to your site (Now, we're not talking about a Once Upon A Time... deal, but somewhere down that line)  Back to the story.

When a searcher is online looking to buy a auto part, they have in their head "Where can I find a place to buy auto parts online?" So they go on Google, Yahoo! or Bing and type in auto parts. They already started the story and they want to continue and end their story. That's where's domain comes into play. Your potential visitor see's your domain, it continues their internal story and they click on the link to go to your site.

So to wrap up. There are millions if not billions of searches happening every day online and though there more that goes into the final sale, you need to establish their trust and get them on your site first.

All Money Making Posts from Boy Mogul:

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